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ROWE RM3500/04/00/003

ROWE RM3500/04/00/003

Part Number: RM3500/04/00/003

Upgrade Scanwidth from 55" to 60" Upgrade of scan width of 55" to 60" Scanwith: 60" (1524 mm) paperwith: 63,2" (1606mm)

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ROWE Scan 850i Upgrade Scanwidth from 55" to 60" Upgrade of scan width of 55" to 60" Scanbreite: 60" (1524 mm) Vorlagenbreite: 63,2" (1606mm)

Innovate Italia S.r.l., via della Maglianella, 65 E/H - 00166 Roma, Codice Fiscale e Partita I.V.A.: 13309131004
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